
Help on getting paid

Paying your invoice

We’ll pay you at the intervals agreed in your contract and send you a remittance by post, or electronically via Healthcode. Where our member has a policy limitation, we’ advise you in the remittance that we’ve applied a deduction. In these circumstances, members are responsible for payment and you’ll need to obtain this amount from them directly. However, you must not charge more than the deduction stated.

In the exceptional circumstances where you may need to contact us about invoice payment, please visit the Payment Support Service section of our website (link here). To allow us time to process the claim, please don’t chase us for payment until 30 days from the invoice date.

Supporting people who handle your invoices for you

We need to be able to liaise directly with people who manage invoices for you, whether this is a medical billing agency, administrator or secretary. This ensures we comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Please ensure your account address lists their details.

If you do not give us their details we won’t be able to assist with their queries or provide copy remittances if required.