
One telephone number to direct your queries

You asked us to make it easier to deal with our servicing teams, so we’ve launched a single telephone number for your queries. We’ve also increased the hours our teams are available to support you by phone. We answer your most common queries on this website, but if you still need help, please ring 01892 503030 and follow the options.

The service will ask whether you’re a Hospital, Individual Provider, Group Practice or Medical Billing Agency, and assist you to the best route to answer your query quickly and efficiently. This may mean starting your query on this website, where you can submit your request and securely upload information to help us make a decision. Alternatively, our support teams are now available 9 to 5, Monday to Friday, to help you.

Our research with providers shows that ‘ease of dealing’ with our servicing teams is one of your main priorities in working with us. Routing all our phone calls through one number helps us improve our service to you, which helps you deliver healthcare to our members more smoothly.

Other projects we’re working on include new systems to ensure your invoices are uploaded correctly; continuing improvements to this Provider website to help you send queries and upload supporting information more easily; and work to simplify our membership numbers.